
Shocking NHS Data release shows nearly half of ESA claimants have attempted suicide

Figures available to the Government in 2016, but only just released, show that 47.1% of women and 43.2% of ESA claimants have tried to kill themselves. This compares to the general population suicide attempts figures of 1 in 15 adults, or 6.7%.

You can find the data here: - scroll down to: “APMS-2014-Chapter-12-Suicidal-Thoughts-Suicide-Attempts-and-Self-Harm-Tables/xls/apms-2014-ch-12-tabs” or go direct to: (you may get a safety warning but it is a safe link to official NHS data).

Disability Minister update on PIP regulations

The Disability Minister has announced that she feels that there are potentially 10,000 beneficiaries resulting from the Upper Tribunal’s decision to update the definition of “safely” in the PIP regulations.

The DWP had been arguing that for anyone to be considered to be unable to carry out an activity “safely” there would have to be a more likely than not chance of harm occurring. However, the Upper Tribunal decided the correct test is the degree of harm that could happen.



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