Here are some of the reasonable adjustments that Kester Disability Rights has got for disabled social security claimants over the last year:
A claimant unable to attend an assessment, and whom the DWP’s agent also refused to visit on the basis that he was allegedly dangerous, even though he was not, got his visit and was awarded PIP standard rate daily living and enhanced mobility accordingly.
An abuse victim had her work capability assessment modified to remove the personal assessment element that she found impossible to cope with.
A severely autistic and mentally impaired claimant had his DLA stopped because he could not cope with the PIP reassessment process. Upon reasonable adjustments being requested he was transferred to the highest rate of both components of PIP without a personal assessment.
A severely autistic woman with complex mental health issues was accused by the DWP of “failing to participate in a PIP assessment”. Upon reasonable adjustments being requested, a telephone call to her appointee, combined with a file review, resulted in an indefinite award of the highest rate of both components of PIP.
A man with paranoid schizophrenia who could not deal with the standard PIP reassessment process was transferred to PIP with the reasonable adjustment of a file review and telephone contact with a carer.
The ESA reassessment process was modified for a man who had been sectioned at least 18 times after the initial DWP decision was to reassess him by a personal assessment he was obviously unable to deal with. After consideration of further medical evidence that the DWP already had, he was exempted.
A victim of child sexual abuse with severe mental health problems arising from it was exempted from the work related activity they were unable to deal with because of their condition.
It's been a busy time and not without stiff resistance from the Government Legal Department on some cases, of which more later...